
The Pro Life Campaign has welcomed the majority defeat of a motion in Limerick City and Council yesterday, calling for a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution.

Commenting on the motion which was defeated by almost two to one, PLC spokesperson Sinead Slattery said:

“The Councillors who put forward this motion were quick to accuse the Eighth Amendment of being responsible for every difficult situation that has arisen in Ireland in recent years.  But they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the part that the Amendment has played in protecting the lives and health of women and babies.  It is no exaggeration to say that there are tens of thousands of people alive in Ireland today because of the Eighth Amendment.  Until pro-choice activists are prepared to recognise this fact, we will continue to have a one-sided debate.

“Those who have been actively involved in helping women experiencing unplanned pregnancy know that abortion does not amount to the type of “choice” heralded by some Councillors.  Instead, it is exactly the opposite – something women resort to when they feel they have no choice whatsoever. This then results in the tragic situation where a lack of financial, housing or other resources can mean that the life of an unborn child is ended.

“The 2-to-1 majority opposing this vote is to be welcomed. The Councillors who opposed the motion have highlighted the fact that the unborn child is a human being, entitled to the same protection under the law as any of us. The challenge for all of us is to work towards ensuring that this protection remains in place, and develop the proper support structures so that no woman feels that she has no option but to have an abortion,” she concluded.