Woman Dies in the US After Taking Abortion Pill: Pro-Abortion Side Misleads Public Over Cause of Death

Another tragic case has emerged in the United States where a woman has died after taking the abortion pill.

Just days after it was reported that the abortion drug mifepristone led to the death of a woman in Georgia, it has now been confirmed that a second woman in the same state has also died after taking the same pill.

Misinformation Spread by Pro-Abortion Movement

In what appears to be a clear effort to mitigate the negative publicity surrounding these deaths, US presidential candidate Kamala Harris has been spreading misinformation. Harris claims that the deaths were caused by recent abortion restrictions introduced in Georgia, but these assertions are completely baseless. The mainstream media has joined in peddling this false narrative, while pro-life groups continue to set the record straight and ensure the facts of both tragedies are not ignored in favour of political gain.

Kamala Harris to Visit Georgia

Kamala Harris is scheduled to visit Georgia today (Friday, September 20th, 2024), where she is expected to discuss both tragedies. Her visit is seen by many as an attempt to reinforce her misleading statements about the cause of the deaths.

Medical Experts Speak Out

Addressing the actual details of both cases, Dr. Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn and vice president at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, spoke to LifeNews:

“The tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller in Georgia conclusively demonstrate how dangerous medically unsupervised, ‘self-managed’ abortion drugs are, as we have been warning for years. The FDA has steadily removed important safeguards, allowing these drugs to be ordered online without a single in-person doctor visit. Both women suffered failed abortions requiring surgical treatment. Amber died from sepsis, a complication listed in the FDA’s ‘black box’ warning on mifepristone. Physicians must be aware of this risk and intervene swiftly.

“Candi’s family stated she avoided medical care because she feared prosecution. Yet, every pro-life state law prohibits prosecuting women for seeking an abortion. The misinformation spread by pro-abortion media regarding legal penalties and claims that abortion drugs are ‘safer than Tylenol’ has frightened women, preventing them from seeking care when suffering complications. This misinformation is to blame for these women’s tragic deaths, not pro-life laws designed to protect them.”

Expert Testimony from AAPLOG CEO

Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AAPLOG), also commented after the first tragedy:

“Amber Thurman’s tragic death was caused by the side effects of legal abortion drugs and medical negligence, not pro-life laws. Despite following medical instructions and seeking care when complications arose, she still died. Instead of addressing the dangers posed by these drugs, abortion proponents are blaming Georgia’s laws to push their agenda of protecting abortion at all costs.”

Setting the Record Straight

SBA Pro-Life America President, Marjorie Dannenfelser, highlighted the true causes behind the deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller:

“The common thread in both of these tragedies is the use of dangerous abortion drugs and improper care for complications. Instead of investigating the profit-driven abortion industry, pro-abortion media and Democrats supporting no restrictions on abortion are running cover. For years, the pro-life community has raised alarms about abortion pills sending 1 in 25 women to the emergency room. We’ve also warned about illegal abortion drug rings like Aid Access, which pocket $80 per transaction while endangering women’s lives.”

Dangers of Self-Managed Abortion Drugs

The deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of unsupervised abortion pills. Despite pro-abortion groups’ attempts to blame pro-life laws, experts agree that these deaths were caused by the lack of medical oversight and misinformation that discouraged women from seeking the help they needed.

For more information on the risks associated with abortion pills and support for women facing unplanned pregnancies, visit Pro Life Campaign.