Voter Guide
Bringing About change at election time
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Pro Life Campaign Voter Guide
In advance of the General Election, see below our Election Voter Guide 2024 with a comprehensive list of candidates running in the election, along with information regarding their stances and record on right to life issues.
Please make a note (or send yourself a reminder) to return to this page in advance of Election Day to see where the candidates in your area stand, and please send this link to friends and family so they can do likewise.
Your vote matters – use it to protect human life.
Voter Guide
Please select your constituency below –
Weighing up How to Vote
It has been a big undertaking compiling information on hundreds of candidates. We used multiple sources including prior voting records, social media and media commentary, and consulting with pro-life volunteers at constituency level. We have taken great care to accurately reflect the positions of candidates and will continue to review the information based on ongoing feedback received and correct any inaccuracies if they arise.
Based on our research, the candidates deserving our support are from pro-life parties, pro-life Independents and a small number of candidates from the main political parties who deserve our backing – candidates who have consistently taken a strong pro-life stance and stood up to their party leaders on the issue. But aside from these obvious exceptions, it is not possible for us to recommend candidates from the main political parties on this occasion. The fact that these parties even refused to concede to pain relief being administered to unborn babies during late term abortions cannot be glossed over or explained away.
After voting for pro-life candidates, we encourage you to use your additional preferences wisely to help ensure that the most aggressive pro-abortion campaigners do not get elected. The proportional representational (PR) system that exists in Ireland allows us to vote for the candidates we most want to see elected (pro-life candidates) and tactically vote against candidates we least want to see elected (pro-abortion candidates). That’s the sole reason why we provide additional information on this website about candidates other than those who are listed as pro-life. By voting No 1. for the candidate you most want to see elected and then voting down the ballot paper to the candidate you least want to succeed, you ensure the best possible outcome in the election for the pro-life issue. You can read more about the PR system here.
Share this Guide
Please share the findings of our research widely with your pro-life friends and acquaintances and encourage them to vote for pro-life candidates. Ireland desperately needs strong pro-life voices elected to public office at this time.
Thank you for assisting this effort.
*The reason candidates from parties like Sinn Féin and Labour are automatically listed as supporting abortion is because these parties have an official pro-abortion stance and don’t allow a free vote on the issue to their elected representatives. In the case of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, some candidates are listed as ‘position unclear’. The reason for this is that the two parties in question permit a free vote on abortion and where a candidate has not publicly declared their position, we cannot automatically assume where they stand, without adequate proof. As we set out above, the leadership of these two parties is pro-abortion. Voters will have to make their own assessment of candidates who have not stated on the record where they as individuals stand on the issue.
** If you have any new and verifiable information on any candidates listed, please email us without delay to
Please note we will be updating these pages based on new information received until election day.
Please note: The Pro Life Campaign does not endorse any candidates or parties in any election.
Any information we impart at election time regarding candidates is simply a guide for voters on their stances and should not be read in any way as an official endorsement.