Last year, Ireland saw a record high number of abortions. The Department of Health acknowledged receiving 10,033 notifications of abortions performed. However, the true figure may be even higher as the government’s data collection on abortion is notoriously inaccurate. Nonetheless, it can be agreed that last year saw the highest ever abortion figures on record. This human tragedy must be addressed head on.

The purpose of the PLC’s 2025 Pre-Budget Submission is to make the case for measures which would honour that well worn phrase made by the then-Taoiseach around the time of the May 2018 referendum that abortion in Ireland should be “rare”. A majority of voters in 2018 voted with such promises in mind, including claims that somehow introducing a form of regulated, state-backed abortion would actually “reduce” or stabilise the abortion rate. The inverse has proven to be the case. But this situation has played out due to a lack of comprehensive social policies which could alleviate some of the root causes of abortion, which are chiefly socio-economic in nature.

Tacking the economic roots of abortion also requires the government to overhaul the current social welfare system and re-orientate it towards greater pro-family policies. Hungary is leading the way in this regard, which has had the impact of reducing the country’s abortion rate. Much more can be done in Ireland to ensure that the costs of having a child are not seen as daunting and financially unmeetable. New policies would be good for society as a whole, whilst having the additional impact of saving lives and decreasing the abortion rate. 

You can read the Pro Life Campaign’s 2025 Pre-Budget Submission here.