The National Women’s Council wasted no time in sounding the alarm after the recent March for Life in Dublin. Pro-life people marching through the capital city is all it took to set them off with a far-fetched post on X that abortion access in Ireland is under threat.

It is revealing how insecure the NWCI appear to be about the 2018 win they secured in dismantling legal protection for unborn babies. If they truly believed that “victory” was wholeheartedly embraced by the public, they wouldn’t be so concerned every time pro-life people appear in public.

Of course, an element of what’s going on here is just the NWCI playing to their support base in order to justify their existence. But they also have to realise, particularly in the aftermath of the results in the recent ‘Family’ and ‘Care’ referenda, that more and more people are starting to question how completely out of touch and unrepresentative taxpayer funded NGOs like the NWCI are, and they’re right to be concerned that the public demand for reform of this bloated and out of control sector is growing.

The NWCI needs to get used to the idea that the pro-life movement is not going away. We are going to continue to rebuild and become stronger than ever before. And we will be unrelenting in assisting pro-life candidates getting elected to public office to effect change and restore some fairness to public discourse on right-to-life issues.

The exorbitant amount of state funding given to unrepresentative NGOs like the NWCI also must be looked at. As Carol Nolan TD said at the recent March for Life: “The unchecked power of the National Women’s Council needs to be brought to an end.”