As debate rages across the US on abortion laws in a post Dobbs decision environment, it’s important to keep track of the impact of new pro-life laws and the lives saved, as opposed to the round the clock lies being broadcast by media outlets that falsely claim laws protecting the right to life of unborn babies puts women’s lives at risk.
Since the Dobbs ruling in 2022 (the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v Wade), evidence has shown a marked decrease in abortions in states where laws have shifted in a pro-life direction.
Recently, the Mississippi Department of Health provided abortion statistics to the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), showing a significant decrease in abortions.
There were 2,286 abortions reported in Mississippi in 2022, down 40% from 2021. 
Texas is another example where independent research published last June by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health showed that upwards of 1,000 babies a month are being saved from abortion as a direct result of the legal changes that have taken place, combined with the Alternatives to Abortion programme that’s being generously resourced in the state. 
It’s a daunting challenge for pro-life groups in the US to get the word out to voters that pro-life laws are safeguarding both the lives of unborn babies and their mothers. It’s a message that needs to resonate strongly before the November elections and referendums on abortion that are taking place in several states on the same day.