Minister Stephen Donnelly to Introduce Safe Access Zone Law on October 17th


Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has announced that he will begin an order introducing legislation regulating ‘safe access zones’ on October 17. The new law will create exclusion zones within 100 metres of any premises that currently or may in the future provide abortion services, including GP clinics, hospitals, and family planning centres such as Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) clinics.

Activities Restricted in Safe Access Zones

Under the Safe Access Zone Act, any activity expressing pro-life views within these zones will be criminalised. This legislation aims to prevent protests and demonstrations near locations where abortions are provided.

Pro Life Campaign Opposes the Law

The Pro Life Campaign has strongly opposed the introduction of exclusion zones. They have highlighted concerning cases from England and elsewhere, where individuals have been arrested for silently praying near abortion clinics.

Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Eilís Mulroy criticised the new law, stating, “This law criminalises any perceived attempt to influence someone’s decision to have an abortion within a 100-metre zone of a premises where abortion could be provided. This includes every GP practice, maternity hospital, or family planning clinic in the country. It isn’t about preventing protests; it will criminalise the possibility of a woman receiving an offer of help when she might need it most.”

Criticism in the Dáil

The legislation was criticised in the Dáil, with opposition arguing that it introduces unnecessary and draconian measures. The law, they claim, is based on pressure from a small but vocal cohort of activists from NGOs, including the National Women’s Council.

In 2020, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris informed the Minister for Health that such laws were unnecessary, as existing public order laws could adequately address any incidents of harassment or intimidation.

Concerns About Freedom of Expression

Ms. Mulroy emphasised that “Mr. Donnelly has failed to engage with these concerns and instead appears to believe that genuine fears about this law’s impact on freedom of expression can be papered over by just mouthing slogans.” She added, “This draconian law will do nothing to help women in unplanned pregnancies.”