There are lots of excellent pro-life candidates running in the upcoming Local and European elections. Many of them stand a great chance of getting elected provided we pull out all the stops to help them across the line.

The March for Life in Dublin on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May presents a one-off opportunity before the election to send a strong message to voters across Ireland to ‘think pro-life’ before they vote. We need a massive crowd in attendance to ensure the message is heard.

We have to build on the results from the last election. The more pro-life candidates elected the more realistic it will become to deliver positive change that will see a reduction in abortion numbers and a renewed focus on respect for human life.

Ireland desperately needs more men and women of principle in public life. Pro-life candidates are making huge personal sacrifices in running for elected office. In return, they deserve our wholehearted support. 

A successful March for Life will galvanise support in the critical weeks before the election, from the media coverage it hopefully receives, to the encouragement it will give to those in attendance to get behind pro-life candidates in the closing weeks of the election campaign. 

So once again, please make an extra special effort to attend this year’s march and ask family and friends today to join you on 6th May so together we can ensure the ‘vote pro-life’ message reverberates across the country loudly and clearly.