The Local and European elections are scheduled to take place early next month. A General Election is also not far off.

Before polling day for each election, the Pro Life Campaign will provide a comprehensive Voter Guide with a list of candidates and parties and where they stand on abortion and other right to life issues.

We’ve already started work on compiling the list, which involves a big time commitment. It’s vital work though to guarantee the information presented to voters is both thorough and reliable. 

We’d be very grateful if you would set aside a small bit of time to send us ANY information you have regarding the stances of candidates in your local area on the right to life issue. Don’t assume we have it already! The more information we have the more comprehensive our Voter Guide will be. We take special care in gathering as much verifiable data as possible to accurately reflect where candidates stand and to ensure we have the most up to date information to share with voters. 

Please send any information you have to today or make a note to do so before Friday 17th May. Many thanks for your help with this important endeavour!