04.12.2008 – Crisis Pregnancy Agency has duty to inform women of risks from abortion

04.12.2008 – Crisis Pregnancy Agency has duty to inform women of risks from abortion

New Study: Abortion Causes 30% Increase In Mental Health Problems –  Crisis Pregnancy Agency has duty to inform women of risks from abortion

4th December 2008

Women who have abortions are 30% more likely to develop mental health problems, a new study reveals. The New Zealand study [1] is published in the December edition of the British Journal of Psychiatry.

Commenting on the findings, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro-Life Campaign said:

The latest findings have significant implications. For one, the Crisis Pregnancy Agency should take note of the findings and oblige all pregnancy counselling agencies to inform women of the negative effects of abortion.

To completely downplay the study's findings as some commentators have, is a profound disservice to women. Any procedure that results in a 30% increased risk of mental health problems is significant and cannot be lightly dismissed.

The findings also undermine the very basis of Britain's liberal abortion regime. At present most abortions are carried out to supposedly alleviate mental distress of one kind or another. But the New Zealand study shows that induced abortion itself leads to increased mental illness.

The study of over 500 women from Christchurch, New Zealand, was carried out by researchers from the University of Otago. It involved interviewing the women six times between the ages of 15 and 30. It successfully controlled for confounders such as any predispositions to mental illness.


[1] The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 193, 455–460. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.108.055079

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