The Final Stage vote on the Abortion Bill took place in Dáil Éireann on Wednesday night, 5th December just before midnight.

Having discussed and rejected a number of humane amendments tabled by Deputies Peadar Tóibín, Mattie McGrath, Carol Nolan, Peter Fitzpatrick, Michael Healy Rae, Michael Collins, Danny Healy Rae, Noel Grealish and Michael Fitzmaurice, the abortion Bill was voted through with 90 TDs voting in favour, 15 voting against and 12 abstaining.

The Second Stage vote took place in the Seanad yesterday, 6th December.

Please find below the voting records.  If your TD or Senator is not listed, he/she was absent from the Chamber as the vote took place.

Dáil Éireann Final Stage Vote, 5th December 2018

Voted against abortion 

Butler, Mary

Canney, Seán

Collins, Michael

Fitzmaurice, Michael

Fitzpatrick, Peter

Grealish, Noel

Healy-Rae, Danny

Healy-Rae, Michael

Lowry, Michael

MacSharry, Marc

McGrath, Mattie

McGuinness, John

Nolan, Carol

Ó Cuív, Éamon

Tóibín, Peadar

Voted for abortion at Final Stage in Dáil

Bailey, Maria

Barry, Mick

Boyd Barrett, Richard

Brady, John

Brassil, John

Broughan, Thomas P

Browne, James

Bruton, Richard

Burke, Peter

Burton, Joan

Byrne, Catherine

Byrne, Thomas

Calleary, Dara

Cannon, Ciarán

Carey, Joe

Cassells, Shane

Chambers, Jack

Chambers, Lisa

Collins, Joan

Connolly, Catherine

Coppinger, Ruth

Corcoran Kennedy, Marcella

Coveney, Simon

Cullinane, David

D’Arcy, Michael

Daly, Clare

Doherty, Pearse

Donnelly, Stephen

Dooley, Timmy

Doyle, Andrew

Durkan, Bernard

Ellis, Dessie

English, Damien

Ferris, Martin

Fitzgerald, Frances

Harris, Simon

Harty, Michael

Healy, Seamus

Heydon, Martin

Humphreys, Heather

Kelleher, Billy

Kelly, Alan

Kenny, Gino

Kenny, Martin

Kyne, Seán

Lahart, John

Lawless, James

Madigan, Josepha

Martin, Catherine

Martin, Micheál

McDonald, Mary Lou

McEntee, Helen

McGrath, Finian

McGrath, Michael

McHugh, Joe

McLoughlin, Tony

Mitchell O’Connor, Mary

Mitchell, Denise

Munster, Imelda

Murphy, Catherine

Murphy, Eoghan

Murphy, Paul

Neville, Tom

Noonan, Michael

O’Brien, Darragh

O’Brien, Jonathan

O’Callaghan, Jim

O’Connell, Kate

O’Dowd, Fergus

O’Loughlin, Fiona

O’Reilly, Louise

O’Sullivan, Maureen

Ó Broin, Eoin

Ó Caoláin, Caoimhghín

Ó Laoghaire, Donnchadh

Ó Snodaigh, Aengus

Pringle, Thomas

Quinlivan, Maurice

Rabbitte, Anne

Ring, Michael

Rock, Noel

Ross, Shane

Sherlock, Sean

Shortall, Róisín

Smith, Bríd

Stanley, Brian

Stanton, David.

Troy, Robert

Varadkar, Leo

Wallace, Mick


Abstained in Final Stage vote on abortion

Aylward, Bobby

Breathnach, Declan

Cahill, Jackie

Casey, Pat

Curran, John

Haughey, Seán

McConalogue, Charlie

Moynihan, Aindrias

Murphy O’Mahony, Margaret

Murphy, Eugene

O’Rourke, Frank

Scanlon, Eamon



Seanad Éireann, Second Stage Vote, Thursday, 6th December

Voted against abortion

Mullen, Rónán.
O’Mahony, John.
Ó Domhnaill, Brian.

Voted for abortion

Ardagh, Catherine.
Bacik, Ivana.
Burke, Colm.
Byrne, Maria.
Clifford-Lee, Lorraine.
Conway-Walsh, Rose.
Conway, Martin.
Devine, Máire.
Feighan, Frank.
Gavan, Paul.
Higgins, Alice-Mary.
Humphreys, Kevin.
Kelleher, Colette.
Lawlor, Anthony.
Mac Lochlainn, Pádraig.
McDowell, Michael.
McFadden, Gabrielle.
Nash, Gerald.
Noone, Catherine.
Norris, David.
O’Donnell, Kieran.
O’Donnell, Marie-Louise.
O’Reilly, Joe.
O’Sullivan, Ned.
Ó Donnghaile, Niall.
Ó Ríordáin, Aodhán.
Reilly, James.
Richmond, Neale.
Ruane, Lynn.
Warfield, Fintan.