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The Pro Life Campaign has said it is not at all surprised by the countries that pressed Ireland today at UN committee hearings in Geneva to introduce more wide-ranging abortion and to repeal the 8th Amendment.

Speaking in Geneva after the UN Human Rights Committee hearings, Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign said: “Far from being embarrassed, we should be challenging some of these countries over their appalling record when it comes to defending human life.

“Among the countries attacking Ireland’s life-saving 8th Amendment today were Canada and Denmark. In Canada, their own official figures show that over a ten year period starting in 2000, 491 babies who survived botched abortions were abandoned by medical staff and left to die alone in the corners of hospitals. Denmark, who also attacked Ireland’s abortion laws today, has set a goal to create a Down Syndrome free Denmark by 2030. So I think it is reasonable to say that countries like these are in no position to be lecturing Ireland on human rights or how best to protect human life.”


Please note: The Pro Life Campaign is an accredited UN NGO.