The Pro Life Campaign has described as ‘bizarre and intolerant’ the protest by abortion campaigners outside the screening of the film ‘Unplanned’ at the Omniplex, Salthill in Galway on Friday evening.

It appears that the protest is one of a series planned in the coming days to deter the public from seeing a film that lays bare the reality of the abortion industry in the US.

Commenting on this evening’s protest, Eilís Mulroy of the Pro Life Campaign said:

“It is unreal the speed at which abortion supporters have moved to try and shut down this film. It is less than a week since the movie was announced in cinemas and only a few days since Galway screenings were confirmed, yet the protesters couldn’t hold back from trying to dissuade the public from attending.

“This film tells the true story of Abby Johnson’s change of mind from being the director of one of America’s largest abortion clinics to becoming a whistle-blower and opening up about the truth of what goes on in the abortion industry.

“Abby has consistently shown a willingness to engage with those on the other side of this debate and explain her position. Sadly many of her opponents have opted instead for protest and undermining the film rather than engaging with those who they disagree with. This evening’s protest highlights a truly intolerant side to abortion campaigners and their determination to close down fair-minded and reasoned debate.”
