The Pro Life Campaign has said the impact of repeal of the Eighth Amendment is very apparent in the abortion figures released today by the Department of Health, covering the first full year of legal abortion in Ireland since the new law came into effect in January 2019.

The official statistics reveal that 6,666 abortions were carried out in Ireland during 2019. Commenting on the figures, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Maeve O’Hanlon said:

“Those adopting an attitude to the latest figures of ‘nothing to see here, everything is fine and going to plan’ are downplaying the loss of life caused by the recent introduction of abortion here, as evidenced in today’s numbers.

“When you add today’s figure of 6,666 abortions to the 375 abortions on women from Ireland who travelled to England in the same period, the figure amounts to 7,041 in total.  This compares with a figure of 2,879 for the full year of 2018.

“It’s the first time in 18 years that there has been an increase in the number of abortions and the first time in our history that thousands of innocent unborn babies have had their lives ended with the full backing of Irish law.

“Sure, we can avert our eyes from the truth of what is now legally sanctioned by continuing to dress it up with words like ‘choice’, but that won’t change in any way the profound injustice of what the new law permits.

“Before the law changed, GPs entered their surgeries with the sole intention of preserving life. But for many GPs that has all changed as they now facilitate the taking of innocent human life as part of their daily work, in the full knowledge that it has nothing to do with genuine healthcare. GPs are paid €450 by the State for every abortion they perform, more than twice what they would typically receive for caring for a mother and her baby during pregnancy. This is the stark shocking reality of what is now permitted in Ireland, all in the name of progress. The mark of a truly progressive society is one that treats every human life as ‘someone’ with an inherent value, and not as ‘something’ devoid of value to be disregarded as someone else’s choice.

“Aside from a handful of TDs who have shown remarkable courage in speaking out, there will be no political accountability for what has happened. But as it starts to dawn on voters that they were misled every step of the way before the 2018 referendum, I believe attitudes will start to change. Developments like today’s heart-breaking figures will help propel that change.

“The public has had to endure years of cleverly choreographed campaigning for abortion led by some of our most senior politicians. Today we see the terrifying results of what they were pushing. Today, the reality has caught up with the lie that repeal would make Ireland a kinder, more gentle and compassionate country. The State sponsored choreography of abortion needs to end immediately and give way to an open and honest debate, where the voices of those who regret their abortions and others are afforded the opportunity and space to be heard.”

You can view the full report published by the Department of Health here

You can read more on abortion statistics regarding women from Ireland on our Statistics page

Some key elements of the 2019 Statistics

Below is the breakdown of the abortion figures per county.  67 of the women accessing abortion gave addresses in Northern Ireland, 15 gave addresses from outside RoI and NI and addresses  were not given in 525 cases

Here are the grounds under which the abortions reported today were availed of. 6,542 of the abortions took place within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The chart below shows the number of abortions per month during 2019

The chart below shows the number of abortions per month during 2019