A teen mum, who became pregnant at 13 and was repeatedly pressured by online trolls to have an abortion, ignored the advice, kept her baby and did not become the “leech” on her parents that her accusers said she would.

In fact, Maddie Lambert from Texas, USA, who recently turned 18 has proven her detractors wrong at every level.

Today, she is a proud mum, is attending college and owns her own home. She runs a popular YouTube channel where she shares her story and discusses the milestones that she and her daughter are reaching.

In the recent video post, she said: “I honestly at this point of my social media career think hate comments are hilarious. It’s really funny to me to see the negative things people have to say about me because a lot of the time it’s so far-fetched and far from true.”

‘I’m now in my first home raising my daughter who’s about to go to preschool.’

She took issue with one viewer’s remark that her story was “depressing to listen to”, saying:

“It’s not something that people should say is depressing to listen to when the story is literally, okay, I got pregnant at 13, everybody said it was the end of the world but it wasn’t the end of the world for me and I made this ‘horrible, horrible’ situation into something great.”

“And I’m now in my first home raising my daughter who’s about to go to preschool. I don’t know how that’s depressing.”

“I overcame all the odds and other teen mums can overcome all the odds too. A lot of teen parents get that drive from being a teen parent and realise they have to work harder to be successful because the odds are pitted against them.”

Earlier this year, Maddie started college classes in US history, Philosophy, Anatomy and Psychology.