UK health watchdog, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), has taken the first steps in recommending the use of progesterone in preventing miscarriages in women who have had at least one miscarriage or are experiencing bleeding during early pregnancy. It has been claimed the decision could help 8,450 more babies be carried to term each year in Britain.

Progesterone, a naturally occurring pregnancy hormone, has been prescribed by doctors in the US for many years to help prevent early miscarriages. The decision of NICE to authorise its use in Britain is significant for more than one reason. The same hormone is also used to help reverse the effects of mifepristone, the first drug taken when abortion pills are administered.

Abortion pill reversal (APR) is credited with saving thousands of babies from certain death after their mothers changed their minds and sought help to undo the effects of the abortion drugs they had taken. Pro-abortion groups rail against APR even though they claim to support ‘choice’.

The latest decision by NICE will help prompt renewed discussion on APR and hopefully hasten the day when it’s accepted as a routine option for women who desperately want to undo the effects on the abortion pill and save the lives of their unborn babies.