Carla Lockhart MP, the Upper Bann representative from Northern Ireland, has submitted a motion calling on the Westminster Government to provide pain relief to unborn babies undergoing an abortion after 12 weeks gestation.

Efforts are underway at present to get as many MPs as possible to sign the motion.

The motion, called an Early Day Motion, draws attention to the fact that unborn babies undergoing surgery for spina bifida, for example, are routinely given pain relief, but babies who being aborted at the same gestational age receive no such relief from the potentially gruesome pain of the procedure.

The motion also mentions the latest peer reviewed evidence supporting the view that unborn babies feel pain, possibly from as early as 12 weeks gestation.

Right to Life UK has launched an online effort, calling on pro-life supporters to contact their local MPs to ask them to sign the parliamentary motion (EDM 1340) calling on the Government to introduce new guidance on foetal pain and to ensure pain relief is given to unborn babies for abortions taking place after 12 weeks gestation.

Right to Life UK’s online campaign