Responding to reports that the United Nations Committee Against Torture has posed a number of questions about Ireland’s record on abortion, Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign said:

“For a body that derives its moral authority from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirms everyone’s right to life, it is tragic that this Committee is inverting that standard of human rights by calling on Ireland to allow for the destruction of innocent unborn babies.”
“A Committee under the auspices of the UN should be promoting a gold standard of care and respect for life rather than callously affirming abortion.”
She asked: “Where do the members of the UN Committee Against Torture stand on the rights of babies born alive after abortion and left to die?

“We know the answer to this question. The Committee Against Torture has never voiced concern on this matter or challenged this situation in countries where we know it happens.”
“For example, the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health, 2007 commissioned by the UK Government, found that 66 infants survived NHS termination attempts in hospitals in England and Wales during 2005. Instead of dying during the abortion procedure as intended, they survived and were able to breathe unaided. But they received no medical attention or care and were left in corners to die. One of the babies lived for ten hours.”
“What is more tortuous than this and how can the United Nations Committee Against Torture remain silent on this barbaric practice?