Canadian twins, Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah, were born four month premature a year ago on 4 March 2022. Weighing just 330 grams and 420 grams respectively at birth, the twin babies were given “zero percent chance of survival” according to doctors.

Mother of the babies, Shakina Rajendram, said in an interview that “When I went into labour, the babies were denied all life-sustaining measures at the hospital I was admitted to and almost left to die”. But the babies beat the odds and have recently celebrated their first birthday.

After six months in the hospital following their birth, the boy and girl were finally allowed to go home with their parents. The baby girl, Adiah, has grown to 18 times her birth weight and was described by her mother as an “extremely happy baby” who “smiles all day long” and has “conversations” with her toys and parents. Her brother, Adrial, has suffered some setbacks but is now said to be “progressing well”. His mum described him as a music lover who is “observant, attentive, and intelligent.”