

Ireland goes to the polls tomorrow in the Local and European elections and if the campaign has shown pro-life voters one thing, it’s that we need more than ever to hold politicians accountable for the decisions they make on our behalf.  The last few months have shown us beyond any doubt that  they are only too happy to forget the fall-out if we’ll let them.

Take Fine Gael, for example.  This Government Party was directly responsible for introducing abortion during the full nine months of pregnancy last year on the grounds of a risk of suicide.   At the time, they refused to engage with the experts who pointed out that there was no evidential basis that abortion would in any way assist or treat a pregnant woman experiencing suicidal thoughts.  Instead, they allowed the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar to be used by abortion advocates as the catalyst for their campaign, drawing the international spotlight on Ireland and leading to a global clamour for the introduction of abortion.


To read the full article click here.