Pro-life supporters have reacted with shock and deep sadness to the disclosures in a new study laying bare the truly horrifying impact of the new abortion law in Ireland.

The study, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, is based on interviews with 10 doctors involved in performing abortions in Ireland. It quotes the doctors talking about the “brutal”, “awful” reality of what they do, with one doctor describing “stabbing the baby in the heart”, while another medic talks about getting physically sick in the corridor after performing an abortion. It also quotes doctors talking about what they do in situations when a baby is born alive after a failed abortion.

The lies, duplicity and indifference of our elected representatives has brought our country to this sorry and unspeakable point. They presented an utterly dishonest and sanitised picture to voters of what an abortion regime would look like, far removed from the dreadful reality that’s now happening on the ground.

Even though what we’re witnessing is heart-rending and very distressing, our response should never be one of despair. We must keep the fight going on multiple fronts to change hearts and minds and rebuild a culture of life in Ireland. And we should never overlook all the wonderful efforts that continue to happen to bring about the change that is needed.  

Some people have been asking what they can do to help in a practical way after this week’s news. For a start, we should not overlook all the wonderful and worthwhile efforts that continue to be made by so many volunteers to keep the movement alive and functioning. These ongoing efforts remain pivotal to ensuring progress in the future.

If perhaps you have not been involved in pro-life activism in recent times and wish to do something concrete in response to this week’s news, how about contacting one of the amazing pro-life TDs in the Dáil to offer your help as a volunteer to ensure their re-election? Or consider signing-up to help with one of the many projects of the Pro Life Campaign?

Every time we encounter the darkness of abortion, we should commit to do doing something positive that will help bring about change. Regardless of how small these changes might seem initially they still represent a step in the right direction.

You can read our press statement on the report issued earlier this week here.