Responding to the prominent ad in today’s Irish Times from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) promoting abortion in Ireland, Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign said: “It is disgusting but entirely predictable that the BPAS would attempt to exploit the new abortion law in Ireland with a view to establishing abortion clinics here.”

“The BPAS knows full well that the new law provides for abortion but clearly they want it to also include businesses like themselves. The ad in today’s Irish Times is all about publicity for the BPAS and has nothing to do with protecting women’s lives.

“The Government has made it very easy for groups like the BPAS to act like this after introducing abortion based on a threat of suicide in the full knowledge that it is not a treatment for suicidal feelings.

“It’s not surprising therefore that the BPAS would describe abortion as healthcare when the Government has ignored all the peer-reviewed evidence showing that abortion is not an appropriate treatment.”

“It is misleading to describe abortion as healthcare. Healthcare aims to save lives not end them.”

“The BPAS are fully aware that before abortion was introduced here, Ireland ranked as a world leader in protecting the lives of pregnant women and had a better safety record than Britain, where abortion is legal on request. Still it suits the agenda of the BPAS to pretend otherwise.”

“The BPAS has zero respect for the rights of unborn babies throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. The BPAS is regularly involved in ending the lives of the most vulnerable, simply because they are deemed less than perfect. They also talk a lot about wanting to protect women’s lives. If that’s the case why is the BPAS in total denial about the adverse mental health consequences of abortion for many women.”



The full text of the ad in the Irish Times today says:
As if deciding to have an abortion wasn’t enough of a journey
Almost 4,000 Irish women have to travel to Britain for help every year.
We’ll care for your women until your government does