Minister for Health fails to deny babies have survived abortion and been left to die in Irish hospitals.

In its response this week on behalf of the Minister for Health, the HSE did not deny that babies have survived the abortion procedure and been left to die unaided under Ireland’s abortion law.

The suggestion that babies have survived the abortion procedure and subsequently had medical attention withheld from them was contained in a UCC report in 2020 that interviewed 10 doctors who perform abortions under the new law.

This week’s carefully worded reply from the HSE to the latest parliamentary question from Seán Canney TD states that the HSE are currently not collating data nationally on the provision of abortion but it goes on to acknowledge that specific steps are being taken to address issues like those mentioned in the UCC report regarding the treatment of babies that survive abortion.

It’s entirely unacceptable that the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is only providing snippets of information to the public on this issue while refusing to come clean on what happens to the babies in these ghastly situations. He cannot continue to shroud the issue in secrecy. The public are entitled to know how many babies have survived the abortion procedure since the law changed and how they were cared for by the State, if at all.

Any steps the Government proposes taking on foot of what has come to light should be openly debated and not hidden from public view. The present government has shown zero regard for the lives and welfare of unborn babies and are in no position to be deciding behind closed doors how to deal with the issue of babies that survive abortion.

It’s thanks to TDs like Seán Canney that any attention at all is being drawn to this issue. Pressure needs to be kept on the Government to stop running away from this and other issues related to the abortion law. We have to demand that at the very least they show a modicum of compassion for these babies who are being treated in such a disgraceful and inhumane way by those who control the levers of power in 2021.
