A mum from Northern Ireland has recorded a beautiful new song about her son Tom who has Down syndrome.  

Sara McNeill from Co Antrim wants to help other parents who like her received a shock diagnosis that their baby had Down syndrome.

Sara has become a keen blogger about her life with Tom since he was born a year ago and is committed to raising awareness and spreading a positive real-life take on having someone with Down’s Syndrome in your life.

Speaking to Belfast Live she said:  “Down’s Syndrome isn’t something to be feared, we love our lives, we love Tom! If we could have watched a video like the one we made the day he was born we just would have felt so much better, so that’s what we want to do to help other parents who got the surprise we did. I’ve already had some lovely messages from parents thanking us so much for sharing an insight into Tom’s life and that just makes it even more worthwhile.”

Sara, whose stage name is Sara Crockett, recorded the song Better Place to celebrate Tom’s first birthday and to show people just how incredible life with him has been since the day he was born.

Watch Sara’s song Better Place here.