A 10 March event at the United Nations was hosted on how embracing the Geneva Consensus Declaration advances the well being of women and girls. The successful event highlighted how pro-life policies “safeguard the dignity of women and girls and promotes optimal health outcomes by protecting their emotional and physical well-being.”

It further examined, how “multilateral programs properly focused on holistic primary and maternal health care is what women and girls need most throughout their life cycle.”

The Geneva Consensus Declaration was signed in 2020 by 37 nations at UN-level. It seeks to protect the sovereignty of independent nations, particularly in the developing world, to adhere to pro-life laws. It explicitly seeks to curb the neo-colonial influence of transnational corporations, NGOs, and (Western) governments from pushing pro-abortion policies on the developing world.

The well-attended event at the UN is a positive indication that the Geneva Consensus Declaration is still an important goal of the pro-life movement internationally, despite the setback of the United States’ withdrawal in the aftermath of the accession of the Biden administration to power.