The Pro Life Campaign has said the past few days have shown that “momentum for the ‘Foetal Pain Relief Bill’ is growing” and commented that “the Government cannot keep avoiding its responsibility to provide humanitarian pain relief for unborn babies prior to late term abortions”.

The PLC issued its statement after the Government announced today that it would be tabling an amendment on the foetal pain bill, to block it from moving forward. The group has been actively lobbying TDs in recent days to support the ‘Foetal Pain Relief Bill’.

Responding to the Government’s latest move, Eilís Mulroy of the Pro Life Campaign said:

“The Government knows there is huge support for the idea of introducing humanitarian pain relief for unborn babies prior to late term abortions. They cannot keep running away from their responsibilities on the issue. Taking steps to stop human beings from having to endure unnecessary pain and distress is a humanitarian issue if ever there was one.

“Irrespective of what happens today, support for the introduction of a law that ensures pain relief is given to unborn babies before late term abortions is gaining momentum with each passing day and I’m confident such a law will be introduced very soon. We know that TDs have had thousands of contacts from constituents in recent days on the issue, which is another excellent sign.

“On the very day that the Government is seeking to block the passage of the ‘Foetal Pain Relief Bill’, they are setting aside time in the Dáil to progress a bill on animal welfare. It is an affront to human dignity that in Ireland today animals have more rights than unborn babies. The Animal Health and Welfare Act of 2013 ensures that animals are given pain relief before procedures are carried out that could cause them any pain or distress. The very least we can do is provide the same for unborn babies before late-term abortions.”

Ms Mulroy concluded: “The TDs who co-sponsored today’s foetal pain bill deserve huge credit for their efforts and the commitment they have shown to this really important and considerate humanitarian proposal. Scientific research clearly shows that foetal pain is a reality. There shouldn’t be anymore delays in passing a law so we can be certain that no baby is forced to die in excruciating pain from a late-term abortion. While the Government has tried to put a halt to things today, I don’t think they will succeed in the long run. In fact, I believe a foetal pain relief law will be in place very soon. I am confident public opinion is on our side on this one and the TDs who have brought the bill to this point are certainly not going to back down.”