

The Pro Life Campaign held a short awareness event today close to Dublin Castle, before the Citizens’ Assembly on abortion convened for its opening session. Speaking about the assembly launch, Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign said:

“If the Government had established the assembly with a view to taking a truly exhaustive look at the 8th Amendment, there might have been some merit in that. But the clear purpose of the assembly is to pave the way for a referendum that will strip the unborn child of his or her right to life. That’s the sad truth about this process.

“The Pro Life Campaign will mount a reasoned and robust defence for keeping the 8th Amendment. When the public get a chance to hear about all the lives saved by the 8th Amendment and how international experience has shown there is no such thing as ‘restrictive’ abortion, I am confident that in the event of any referendum people will vote to protect the 8th Amendment, not dismantle it.”