South Korea’s smallest baby, Cho Gun-woo, was left hospital for home after five months in intensive care.

Gun-woo was born prematurely in 2021, 5 weeks earlier than his due date. When born, he weighed just one-tenth the size of an average baby, weighing in at 288 grams (10 ounces, or 0.6 pounds) and measuring in at 23.5 centimetres (9.3 inches).

Medical experts who were aware of baby Cho’s story, predicted he had a 1 percent chance of survival. A month after birth, his heart stopped beating and he had to receive emergency CPR.

Thankfully, Baby Cho is now at home and thriving. His mother, Lee Seo-eun, said: “[He] is a child who came to us like a blessing, and we really wanted to protect him from any crisis. He was born the smallest, but we will raise him as the healthiest, and as a child with a big heart”.