The Pro Life Campaign said today’s remarks by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on the Eighth Amendment “are identical to the speaking points used by abortion campaigners the world over that resulted in abortion on demand in those countries.”

In an interview on RTÉ’s This Week programme the Taoiseach said that allowing unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks was simply a matter of ‘trusting women’ and nothing more.

Commenting on the Taoiseach’s remarks, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Dr Ruth Cullen said: “If the Taoiseach and other members of government pushing for Repeal really trusted women they would be honest with them about what happens to their baby during an abortion and about the adverse mental health consequences of abortion for many women. 

“All of these inconvenient truths were glossed over and ignored during the recent Oireachtas hearings. Today the Taoiseach attempted to reduce the debate to a slogan about ‘trusting women’ that leaves so much out and hides the real betrayal of women that goes hand in hand with legalised abortion.” 

Dr Cullen said: “I don’t believe the electorate will fall for the government’s presentation and packaging of this referendum. With each day that passes more and more people are beginning to realise that the government’s proposal would lead to abortion on demand and that Repeal would essentially involve stripping unborn babies of all meaningful protections, leading to an an abortion regime in Ireland that has no regard whatsoever for the right to life.”