A member of Students for Life in the US was physically assaulted last weekend when doing a door-to-door canvass on the pro-life issue.

Student Grace Hartsock says a woman answered the door and politely said she didn’t wish to engage on the issue. A few seconds later, as Hartsock turned to leave, another voice from the house, also a woman, started yelling and cursing at her.

The woman then followed Hartsock down the driveway and started punching her on the head with closed fists. She screamed obscenities at the young pro-life volunteer and told her: “I hope you get raped and I hope you get run over by a car”.

Hartsock has filed a complaint with the Police Department in Leawood,KS, where the incident occurred. SFL spokesperson Kristi Hamrick has told reporters that since the attack Hartsock has experienced headaches and soreness. Thankfully some of the incident was caught on camera.

Since May of this year, when the media leak first emerged that the Supreme Court was about to overturn Roe v Wade, there have been multiple attacks on pro-life individuals across the US, and more than 50 pro-life centres have been attacked, with several severely damaged as a result of firebombings. The most serious incident of all was the attempted assassination in June of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by 26-year-old Nicholas Roske from California. Despite all the attacks on pro-life individuals and groups, the mainstream media has for the most part ignored them and looked the other way.