Alexis McGill Johnson, President of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in the US says she is “over the moon” about the Biden administration’s “vision” for expanding abortion access.

President Biden has already repealed the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (PLGHA) to open door to hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars being spent on abortion in developing countries, overseen by organisations by International Planned Parenthood Federation.

His administration is also in the process of restoring Title X funding to Planned Parenthood and by providing billions of dollars in subsidies for healthcare plans covering elective abortion. Biden is also trying to frustrate and block US states from defunding Planned Parenthood. Disgracefully, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package backed by the President also includes more funding for Planned Parenthood.

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and others have been scathing in their criticism of Biden’s attempt to sneak funding for Planned Parenthood into the COVID relief package. He said: It is called the Washington Special, you put out a bill, you call it COVID relief and people are on their way to work. What they hear on the news is ‘$1.9 trillion COVID relief’ and some people are like ‘okay, that’s good because we need relief and $1.9 trillion is a lot of money and so forth.’ The problem is that’s not what the bill is,”

While McGill Johnson might be “over the moon” with the obscene levels of funding her organisation is receiving at the behest of President Biden, there is no escaping these are very dark days for the pro-life movement in the US. It is immensely inspiring though to watch the strong and steadfast way pro-life supporters there are dealing with their latest challenge.