Pictured: Senator Ronan Mullen, Wendy Grace, Lucinda Creighton, Eilís Mulroy and Paul Bradford

Lucinda Creighton Challenges ‘Cancel Culture’ at Pro-Life Dinner

Over 600 People Attend Ceiliúradh Cois Life Dinner in Dublin’s Aviva Stadium

The annual Ceiliúradh Cois Life dinner took place last weekend in Dublin’s Aviva Stadium, where over 600 pro-life supporters gathered. The event, organised by the Pro Life Campaign, raises funds for youth initiatives such as the Future Leaders Programme and Students for Life, as well as projects supporting pregnant women and new mothers in need.

Lucinda Creighton Criticises ‘Conformism’ in Irish Society

Former Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton, delivered a powerful keynote address, criticising the growing trend of cancel culture and what she described as “conformism” in Irish society. Creighton voiced concerns about how public discourse is controlled by those in power, leading to the silencing of dissenting voices.

She remarked, “Many of the same people who talk about the ‘tyranny’ and ‘subservience’ of ‘old Ireland’ are now the very promoters of a society that has become a self-censoring receptacle of bland, conformist ideas.”

Tribute to Former Taoiseach John Bruton

In her speech, Creighton paid tribute to former Taoiseach John Bruton, who passed away in February after a short illness. She described him as “a political North Star” who greatly influenced her as a politically engaged student. Creighton praised Bruton’s intellectual curiosity and his ability to engage in debate without taking offence, contrasting this with today’s climate where dissent is often suppressed.

Concern Over Media Bias and Silencing of Pro-Life Voices

Creighton addressed the lack of tolerance for differing opinions in today’s media, particularly on issues like the right to life. She criticised the labelling of those who challenge mainstream views as “far-right”, seeing it as a strategy to delegitimise their position and exclude them from “civilised debate.”

The Call for Courage, Integrity, and Decency

Reflecting on the funeral of John Bruton, Creighton noted how words like “courage,” “integrity,” and “decency” were repeatedly used to describe him. She urged society to adopt these values in public discourse, saying:

“The words that have become so prevalent in today’s world – ‘cancel’, ‘deplatform’, ‘polarisation’ – are only going to cause alienation and division in our society. Yet there are better words that can help ensure our democracy survives the headwinds: ‘Courage’, ‘integrity’, ‘decency.’ These are the real ingredients of tolerance. So let’s speak them, preach them, and most importantly, live them.”

Recognition from Pro Life Campaign CEO Eilís Mulroy

Pro Life Campaign CEO Eilís Mulroy expressed her gratitude to Creighton and her husband, former senator Paul Bradford, for their courageous stand in opposing the 2013 abortion legislation introduced by former Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Mulroy acknowledged their personal sacrifices during that difficult period for the pro-life movement and assured them that their efforts have not been forgotten.

Senator Rónán Mullen Urges Support for Pro-Life Candidates

Senator Rónán Mullen addressed the audience, encouraging attendees to support pro-life candidates in the upcoming general election. He noted successes in recent local elections but stressed the need for more canvassers and volunteers in key constituencies. Mullen emphasised that everyone’s participation, no matter how small, could make a significant impact.

History of the Ceiliúradh Cois Life Dinner

The dinner, now in its eighth year, continues to be a significant event in the Irish pro-life calendar. Previous keynote speakers have included prominent figures such as Baroness Nuala O’Loan, Lord David Alton of Liverpool, Professor William Binchy, Elma Walsh of the #LiveLife Foundation, and football manager Mickey Harte.