Heidi Crowter has announced she will be taking the British government to the European Court of Human Rights to challenge the ruling in her landmark case, which affirmed the permissibility of abortion up until birth for babies with Down’s syndrome and other disabilities. In 2021, there were 3,370 disability-selective abortions carried out in Britain. The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has regularly levelled criticism against countries which allow for disability-selective abortion.

27-year old Heidi is a strong disability advocate who has campaigned tirelessly against the discriminatory clause in Britain’s abortion legislation. For this she has received widespread media coverage and popular support. Explaining her decision to take this case to Strasbourg, Crowter said:

“This law sends a message to people like me with Down’s syndrome that we are less valuable than others. This is not true and it is not right… I have a great life. I want every baby with Down’s syndrome to have the same chance to live and enjoy their life… I hope we win. People shouldn’t be treated differently because of their disabilities, it’s downright discrimination.”