The Pro Life Campaign recently launched its Voter Guide, which provides a grading and comments on the perspective of all candidates contesting the upcoming local and European Parliament elections on the critical issue of the right to life. Our guide is the most comprehensive available statement of the views of candidates on this most important issue ahead of polling day on 7th June.

Over 2,200 candidates are contesting the 2024 local and European Parliament elections, which is a considerably higher participation rate than in 2019. The make-up of our local authorities is important for the future of pro-life representation in politics for several reasons. Councillors can introduce motions and raise issues related to the impact of the abortion regime. The composition of our local authorities will also have a major impact on the next Seanad elections, where councillors have a large role to play. Importantly, the council is often regarded as a ‘stepping stone’ for future TDs. It’s important that pro-life voters are given accurate and fair information on the stance of the candidates they will choose from on the ballot paper. 

The European Parliament elections are an important contest, where recently all Irish MEPs voted in favour of an extreme proposal to enshrine abortion as a ‘fundamental right’. The only absent MEP, Ciarán Cuffe, subsequently voiced his support for the motion. The Green Party has explicitly included making abortion a fundamental human right in its European election manifesto. This is a radical new departure from what the Irish people were sold in the 2018 referendum. Candidates from parties such as the Greens, Sinn Féin, Labour and others have received an automatic pro-abortion grade, due to the pro-abortion policy adopted by these parties. Whilst Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil candidates do not automatically receive this grade, it has been noted throughout the Voter Guide that the leadership of these parties support abortion.

There are some parties contesting the upcoming elections with an explicit pro-life position. Aontú, led by Peadar Tóibín, held its campaign launch outside the GPO on O’Connell Street this week. Deputy Tóibín is standing for the European Parliament in Midlands North west; meanwhile, party colleagues Patrick Murphy and Aisling Considine are standing in the South and Dublin European constituencies respectively. Aontú has amongst its core policies a commitment to opposing abortion and striving for a pro-life Ireland. The party is also fielding nearly 70 candidates in the local elections. 

The Pro Life Campaign is encouraging our volunteers and supporters to get out and canvass for pro-life candidates in this crucial period before the elections. Those interested in getting involved to help their nearest pro-life candidate can sign up here