Monday’s March for Life in Dublin, which extended in length across two sides of St Stephen’s Green, was an amazing event and a resounding response to those who long for the demise of the pro-life movement in Ireland.

It is clear that pro-life supporters increasingly see the value of turning out in big numbers to stand for life and lend their support to the efforts being made to rebuild the movement and make it stronger than ever before.

As Carol Nolan TD said at the march, in reference to Ireland’s extreme new abortion law: “The veil at last is finally being lifted and more and more people are starting to ask questions about what our leaders in government are presiding over.”

And while it comes as no surprise that RTÉ grossly underestimated the size of the march, it was nice to see footage of the event on the 9 O’Clock News with large ‘Vote Pro-Life’ signs emblazoned across the TV screen.

The word has gone out that the pro-life movement is encouraging people to ‘think pro-life’ before they vote.

Over the four weeks from now until Election Day, we have to turn the call to ‘vote pro-life’ into actual votes – votes that will tip the balance and help more
pro-life candidates across the line to victory.

This is our chance to make a difference. What happens in the upcoming elections will determine who represents us for the next five years and whether progress is made in reducing the number of abortions taking place and restoring some respect for the right-to-life in society at large.

If you missed some of the speeches at the march, they are being uploaded on our Facebook page and YouTube account at present and are well worth watching.

If you can spare a few days (or even a few hours) in the coming weeks to help pro-life candidates, please let us know today by texting CANVASS to 50015.

A big thank you to everyone who helped make March for Life 2024 a success, and a special word of thanks to those who travelled long journeys to be there.

Click here to see March for Life photos

Click here to watch March for Life speeches (more speeches will be uploaded in the coming days)

Click here to view March for Life media coverage