Not My Voice


the campaign to defund the national women’s council

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What is the NWCI?

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) purports to represent the interests of and speak on behalf of ALL, not just some, women.

But on issues like abortion, they are arguably the most vocal group in the country pushing for late-term abortion on request to be legalised. They completely ignore the stories of women who regret their abortions and the majority of women who want to see positive alternatives to abortion promoted.

Is it Taxpayer Funded?

For more than 10 years, the NWCI, which receives millions of euros of taxpayers’ money, has been campaigning for abortion in the name of ALL women. It’s time to demand change.

In an effort to mark International Women’s Day, the NWCI landed itself in hot-water by organising a rally of women involved in politics on 8th March 2022 but failed to invite any representative from the government to speak. It included only opposition TDs. This generated serious scrutiny of the NWCI, which despite its generous funding and purported mission of acting as a broad lobby advocating the interests of all women, the rally gave the impression of being an anti-government radical opposition event. This misstep by the NWCI raised eyebrows within government circles about why the government continues to fund a group which was essentially acting as its opposition.

The scale of the NWCI’s funding has been deeply controversial, particularly at a time when the government claims it cannot fully fund public services to the degree which many people demand. Yet no expense is spared when it comes to funding NGOs, which collectively receive €6.2 billion annually. Whilst many of these NGOs do very good work, groups like the NWCI give the rest of the NGO sector a bad name.

The NWCI received just shy of €1,000,000 in state funding using taxpayers’ money in 2022. It received a further €30,000 cash injection from the radical Center for Reproductive Rights, an American-based organisation. 

Does it Represent All Women?

The Pro Life Campaign launched a ‘Not My Voice’ campaign calling for defunding of the NWCI in 2022. This grassroots campaign has mobilised thousands of women across Ireland to make their views known to the government that the NWCI is way out of step with their views.  

The fiction that the NWCI represents the views of ‘women’ was dealt a serious blow in the 8th March 2024 referendums. Whilst the NWCI campaigned heavily for a Yes vote in both referendums, the Irish electorate overwhelmingly rejected the proposals. Since then, it has become obvious to many people, including politicians, that the NWCI is representative of no one other than themselves. They are a narrow ideological clique which is profoundly out of touch with the opinions of most women. 

The Pro Life Campaign will continue to campaign for the NWCI to be defunded, particularly due to its activism on behalf of extreme pro-abortion policies. 

Sign the Petition to Defund the NWCI

How Can Your Voice be Heard?

By signing the petition below, you will be adding your voice to the call to defund the NWCI and start over with something better in its place.

The results of the petition will be forwarded to senior members of the Cabinet as evidence of the strength of feeling for change.

Thank you for your support!

Click here to read the petition text

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) receives millions of euros of taxpayers’ money to fund its operation.

They claim to represent all women but evidently do not.

At present, they are lobbying the Government non-stop for wider access to abortion in Ireland, including permitting gruesome late-term abortions on request.

The NWCI never represents the voices of women who regret their abortions or the majority of women who wish to see positive alternatives to abortion promoted.*

As a taxpayer, I strongly take issue with the fact that the NWCI is using my money to propagate its own narrow and exclusive agenda, while ignoring the views and life experiences of so many people that ought to be represented.

What’s being allowed to happen at present is shameful and undemocratic.

I wish to add my support to the call for the NWCI to have its public funds withdrawn to allow for something truly representative and accountable to take its place.

Yours sincerely,

*Amárach Research, October 2021


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