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Prior to the commencement of the Three Year Review of Ireland’s abortion law, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly gave a commitment that the Three-Year Review of the abortion law would be “independent”, “fair and impartial”.

Unfortunately the process of the review Report has been the opposite of that with the Minister only consulting with representatives of pro-abortion groups, appointing key roles within the review to pro-choice activists and refusing to take on board any perspective from the pro-life side.

The Review Report published in April 2023 contains one extreme recommendation after another. It includes a proposal to decriminalise abortion (that would effectively permit abortion on request up to birth), a recommendation to scrap the three-day period of reflection, and a call for the near total suppression of freedom of conscience protections for healthcare workers.

In addition, a Private Members Bill from People Before Profit calling for extreme abortion laws passed Second Reading in Dáil Éireann in May 2023.

Summer 2023 is a really important time for us to talk to our politicians and remind them that the referendum promises of ‘rare’ abortions must not be forgotten. With nearly 28,500 abortions in Ireland in the first four years of the abortion law, we simply must take steps to effect change. Your politicians need to hear from you.
Please take a moment to complete the form below outlining how you wish to engage with your politician and we will be in touch!

Remember, even the smallest effort will make a big difference.

Thank you!