Future Leaders Programme


Become a pro life ambassador

What is the FLP?

The Future Leaders Programme is a 6-week course designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and motivation to advocate for the pro-life perspective in public discussions. The program focuses on enhancing proactive and organised activism while improving personal effectiveness in communication and advocacy.

Led by experts from Ireland and beyond, the course covers various topics, including Pro-Life Philosophy, Apologetics, Medical Aspects of Abortion, Legal Challenges, and Support for Unplanned Pregnancies.

Upon completion, participants will


the legal and medical aspects of life protection in Ireland and the EU.


the challenges faced by parents in unplanned pregnancies and available support.


compelling, logically sound arguments for the right to life.


use traditional and social media for pro-life messaging.


experience in televised or radio debates.6. Grasp the Irish and EU political systems for effective advocacy.


the Irish and EU political systems for effective advocacy.


enjoyable experiences and new friendships with like-minded individuals who value the right to life.

The course concludes with a full-day studio program in Dublin, along with a visit to Leinster House.

Course Details

Dates: Every Thursday, starting in October, for 6 consecutive weeks.
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

A hybrid blend of online and in-person sessions.

The course concludes with a full-day studio program in Dublin, along with a visit to Leinster House.

Secure your spot today! Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch!

*Limited Opportunity:
We have 15 sponsored positions available for eligible participants. This programme is geared towards young individuals aged 18-30 who are dedicated to the pro-life cause. Do you know someone who fits the bill?

Encourage them to apply!