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Donate - Pro Life Campaign

Support Our Work

The Pro Life Campaign relies 100% on your donations. We keep our administration and personnel costs as low as possible. Most of our work is carried out by volunteers, and your donation will fund our current projects and initiatives.

We promote pro-life education and defend human life at all stages, from conception to natural death. We also campaign for resources to support and assist pregnant women and those in need of healing after abortion.

How We Use Your Donations

  • Advocacy: We work with public representatives to ensure the pro-life position remains on the political agenda.
  • Education: We engage with students and young people in schools and universities across Ireland to grow the pro-life movement.
  • Support: We offer practical support for pregnant women in need and new mothers.

In today’s Ireland, the legal and cultural protections for vulnerable human life are under unprecedented attack. The Pro Life Campaign urgently needs your support. Our work in spreading the pro-life message among public representatives, young people, educators, and the wider public is essential to ensuring that all unborn babies are welcomed in life and protected by the law, and that pregnant women are positively supported.

You Can Help Save Lives!

Donate Offline

If you cannot donate online, you can:

  • Send a cheque, draft, or postal order to: Pro Life Campaign 40 Mount Street Upper Dublin 2.
  • Make a donation over the phone with your credit or debit card by calling us on 01 662 9275.
  • Electronically transfer to our bank account:
    • Account Name: Pro Life Campaign
    • Account Address: Bank of Ireland, O’Connell Street, Dublin
    • Sort Code: 90-00-33
    • Account Number: 7760923
    • IBAN: IE57 BOFI 9000 3327 7609 23

Why Donate?

Regular donations are essential to our work. By setting up a monthly donation through our Standing Order facility, you will help ensure that we can budget ahead, plan effective campaigns, and continue our vital work.

You can complete and print off our Direct Debit Form, fill it in, and post it to: Pro Life Campaign 40 Mount Street Upper Dublin 2.

A €25 per month direct debit will enable us to print 2000 information leaflets for distribution in local areas.

A Gift in Your Will

Providing for your family will be the most important part of your will. If you are then in a position to leave something to a good cause, we hope that you will consider the Pro Life Campaign’s work over the years. Good causes rely on bequests as a source of income. Big donations are marvellous, but the smallest gift makes a big difference.

The Pro Life Campaign relies 100% on your donations. We keep our administration and personnel costs as low as possible. Most of our work is carried out by volunteers, and your donation will fund our current projects and initiatives.

You can donate instantly by Paypal by clicking here.

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Our Mission

At the Pro-Life Campaign, our mission is to advocate for the protection and dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are committed to fostering a culture that values and respects every individual, regardless of age, ability, or circumstance.

Our vision is a society where every life is cherished and protected, where individuals are empowered to make life-affirming choices, and where compassion and support are extended to those facing difficult circumstances. We envision a future where the rights and dignity of all individuals are upheld and respected, regardless of their stage of development or level of ability.

What We Do

Research Team

Our dedicated research team compiles up-to-date data on life issues for submissions to government bodies, ensuring informed decision-making.


Our media spokespeople contribute scientifically accurate responses to public interest topics, engaging in TV, radio, and print discussions.

Training and Informing Our Volunteers

We empower volunteers with knowledge and skills through regular training courses, enabling them to articulate the pro-life message effectively.


We advocate for informed decision-making by informing public representatives about crucial life issues at all levels of governance.

Leaflet Distribution

We raise awareness about pressing threats to human life through leaflet distribution, encouraging public engagement and scrutiny.


We provide speakers for events and discussions, fostering dialogue and understanding on life-related topics.

With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place

We proudly organise the annual March for Life, a powerful gathering dedicated to advocating for the sanctity of every human life. Together, we’ll march in solidarity to defend the rights of the unborn and amplify our voices for change. Featuring inspiring speakers, heartfelt testimonies, and a community united in purpose, the March for Life is a testament to our unwavering commitment to protect and uphold the dignity of all.

One of Many Initiatives

Our Work

Our work is guided by a set of core values that reflect our dedication to human rights and dignity. We value compassion, integrity, and scientific accuracy in all our endeavours. We believe in the inherent worth of every human being and strive to uphold the sanctity of life in all its forms.

A Letter from Our Spokesperson

Dear Pro-Life Supporter,

As we stand at the threshold of a new electoral season, it is so important that we all play our part!

In the past 4.5 years, our government has allocated a staggering €46 million to abortion provision, all without adequately supporting positive alternatives. This is not just a policy decision; it’s a reflection of the values we hold dear and the future we envision for our nation.

We cannot afford to let this go unchallenged. We must turn this issue into a central focus of the upcoming elections, and your support is paramount in making this happen.

Our goal for 2024 is clear: to significantly expand the pro-life voter base. We know that our strength lies not just in our convictions but in our ability to mobilise and amplify our message.

Your involvement, whether it be through volunteer work, monthly contributions, or a once-off donation, can be the difference-maker.

For example, just €100 could print 500 campaign leaflets, spreading our message far and wide. With €250, we could advertise our pro-life voting guidance to over 30,000 individuals. And with €500, we could ensure that our Vote Pro-Life video ad reaches over 14,000 people.

But our work doesn’t stop there. We are committed to supporting pregnant women and mothers in need, to giving a voice to the pro-life cause in the media, to fighting for legal protections for the unborn, and to engaging with public representatives and students to uphold pro-life values.

Together, we are striving for a future where all unborn babies are afforded the legal protection they deserve. Together, we are saving lives.

Your support is not just inspiring; it is essential. Whether you have contributed before or are considering donating for the first time, know that your generosity will make a tangible difference in our fight.

Please, consider donating today. Together, let us amplify the pro-life vote and bring about the positive change our country needs.

Thank you for standing with us.



Eilís Mulroy

Eilís Mulroy

Campaign Manager

Pro Life Campaign

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Giving ONline

We are currently accepting donations through PayPal. To donate, simply click “Donate Now” and you’ll be directed to our secure PayPal donation page, where you can easily contribute using your PayPal account or a credit/debit card.

Thank you for your support!

Giving By Check

For those unable to donate online, you can send a cheque, draft, or postal order to our office in Dublin, make a donation over the phone, or electronically transfer funds to our bank account.

Visit our Donate page for more info!

How Donations Are Used

The Pro Life Campaign depends entirely on your generous donations. We prioritise keeping administration and personnel costs to a minimum, with the majority of our work conducted by volunteers. Your contribution directly supports our ongoing projects and initiatives, enabling us to continue advocating for our cause.

Thank you for your invaluable support.