
The Pro-Life Campaign is a
non-denominational human rights organisation, drawing its support from a large cross-section of Irish society

Our Mission

To protect and defend the most fundamental right, the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death in Ireland.

We promote pro-life education and defend human life at all stages, from conception to natural death.  We also campaign for resources to support and assist pregnant women and those in need of healing after abortion.

Our Values

An ethos of integrity, fairness and respect within an environment of accountability and efficiency.

A culture of boldness, creativity and constructive challenge whilst engaging in the highest standard of professionalism and leadership.

A broad reach in Irish society within a non- denominational framework.

Our Vision

We continue to work towards the restoration of full legal protection for unborn babies in Ireland, increased supports for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies and education of the public on right to life issues.

To protect life and restore a culture of protecting life and supporting women and young families in Ireland.


Our research team examines and studies information on a wide variety of life issues and compiles up-to-date data.

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The Pro Life Campaign recognise the importance of the media as a means of communicating fair, scientifically accurate and compassionate responses to life issues that are of public interest. 

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Do you want to help build a culture of life?

The PLC welcomes volunteers from all around Ireland to join us in our many projects and campaigns.

Sign Up Today 

Contact Us

We provide and help source speakers on all life issues for local pro-life groups, college societies, debating groups and public discussions.

If you would like a speaker on a pro-life topic or just want some suggestions, please contact us.

Our Team

Eilís Mulroy

Katie Fenton

David Hunt

Denise Kelly

Síle Quinlan

Jackie Kenny

John Smyth

Kiley Jones

Our Work

The Pro Life Campaign is immensely grateful to all our supporters and volunteers who aid or directly participate in our work.

Guaranteeing good governance of the organisation and good stewardship of our donors’ contributions is something we take extremely seriously.

As a non-profit organisation operating in Ireland, we are committed to the highest standards of systems and processes.  We are dedicated to working towards our mission and achieving our objectives with integrity while managing the organisation and its resources in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability in governance and we aim to operate in line with the Charities Governance Code which sets the standards that should be met by non-profit entities.


All work that we undertake is carried out in compliance with our stated Mission, Vision and Values.

We do not receive government funding.

We take seriously the need to be wise stewards of all resources entrusted to us by our donors.

We are committed to be accurate and ethical in all claims we make on our fundraising material.

We produce an annual independently audited statement of accounts which are lodged with the CRO.

The latest accounts for 2020 will be available here after the Company Annual General Meeting.

Our staff team are accountable to our Board of Directors. Board members are all unpaid volunteers with relevant expertise.

As a non-profit organisation we seek to operate in line with the Charities Governance Code.