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Please support humane proposals for pain relief and
care for babies born alive

If you didn’t know, Here’s a bit about us.

We are a non-denominational human rights organisation, drawing support from a large cross-section of Irish society. We promote pro-life education and defend human life at all stages, from conception to natural death. We also campaigns for resources to support and assist pregnant women and those in need of healing after abortion.

We must all join together and persevere in fighting for what is right.

Today is the day to sign up to become part of this.

We are 100% reliant on your donations to continue.

Connect with us on social media.

We are involved in activities in the areas of education, media, public policy and support

Become a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer.   This is your chance to be part of a movement that has a positive vision for Ireland – an Ireland that values mothers and their unborn babies.  Get involved today.

Organisations we collaborate with:

We work with organisations across Ireland and the world where we share the aims of promoting the right to life through education and policy and supporting women in unplanned pregnancy, new mothers and women who suffer after abortion.
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